25 Mai 593h

A clear dry day today, without a cloud in sight.

The few of us that were left made a simple breakfast, and then set off along the path in the same general direction as The Hunt, for that is what I believe it to be. As we travelled Madelyn and Herloch seemed to be bickering about who should lead us in Rolf's absence. As if it mattered that much! We pressed on looking for signs of the others, but at about lunch time were met by a couple of strangers, who said that they from Dincaoc and that they had found the others.

When we got to Dincaoc we were shown inside the defences and into a round house, where we found the rest of them. Mandrake was badly injured and unconscious, and apparently Rolf had dragged him back on a contraption made of poles. I believe in some places they are called travois, I must look it up later.

Finally I got the story from them. They had run with the hounds, barely aware of what they were doing, and had come across a Doghead camp. Once there the glamer of the hunt over took the dogheads and they were disoriented, where by my companions fell on them a wreaked havoc amongst them, Jesse and Callum doing the most damage between them. I got this from Edgar for their memory of it was slight. Apparently he had not been caught up in the hunt and was able to fly after them, barely keeping up. He tells me that my comrades suddenly faded after a few moments of battle, but that the hounds and their master became solid and ripped the remaining Dogheads to pieces.

They remained comatose until the morning when all but Mandrake awoke. After attempting to minister to Mandrake they went looking for water and to work out where they were while Callum piled the doghead remains high. Shortly after Jesse and Rethe took eagle shape and flew on to see Segovax, Lord of the Treverii. I knew Rethe was a druid and that changing shape could well be in his power - But Jesse seemed not to be a powerful enough druid for that. It bears investigation later.

It appears we are in Elsbeth's home village, and Lith-Ri Edwy and his family made us all welcome and threw a feast for us. During the feast Kerim suggested I might be his business partner in setting up trading posts along the coast. An interesting thought and one I must consider. Elsbeth was with her family; Rolf and Madelyn seemed to be getting along together well, and Herloch made a point of getting drunk! Certainly not usual behaviour for a priest, in my experience.

During the feast Flower arrived on The Midnight Sky, with a message that we were to meet The Earl, in a few days time.

After that it all went to pot. Herloch and Elsbeth had a tiff and all the locals came down on her side, and although she tried to stop them Herloch was dunked in the cattle trough. It is a major offence locally to 'lay hands' on a druid, and the locals seemed too think he was let off lightly. Yuri though did not, and tried to intervene on his behalf - but upset Edwy. Now Yuri is in the local lock up waiting for some sort of trial on the morrow. I understand it is to be a trial by combat, and that the Lith-Ri will be involved some how.

Oh for a peaceful day.