Early September 

On the first day of September, Earl Richard called a banquet to celebrate the rebuilding of Tas Bardon, and announce a new task for Rolf, he was now tasked with clearing the inland path of the doghead infestation, although this would be complicated because they had taken over an old druids grove. Therefore Elsbeth was sent along to ensure that the site was protected as much as possible. I managed to get myself appointed to the expedition as the chronicler, and Richard assigned his new body guard, Selena, to the task as will.

When they called for volunteers, Ravn, Edgar, Kerim, although it looked at one point as if Ravn and Rolf or Elsbeth would come to blows. It certainly was a tense moment. Callum Mandrake and Madelyn were most conspicuous by their absence but two new comers stepped forward to offer their services. Corellon Amastacia and Meeleek El'Wakhad.

On the second we set forth into the grey September mists and travelled as far as the road junction, where we stayed at one of the Constable's campsites. There was a bit of a kerfuffle in the evening and all the watches  got messed up when Kerim decided to help organise - but it all went well in the end.

Then onto Branna's where we stayed with overnight, as guests of the order. Madelyn was there, but she seemed quiet and subdued in her new role helping to build the school. To Failtey on the third and then back on the road again on the forth, ready to really start our push into new territory. However- the first day of travel was fairly quiet and nothing much happened. Just like being on the normal road really.

The most interesting thing was Laddie running off chasing a deer ….